Private Investigators used for Fugitive Recovery

Private Investigators are trained in locating individuals, especially those who are in hiding. PI’s also have a plethora of resources at their disposal because of the nature of their careers. This, in part, is what makes them desirable in fugitive recovery.

Using a Private Investigator to Identity Theft Cases

Identity theft is an ever-increasing problem. So much so that the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has created Tax Identity Awareness Week and runs from January 29th - February 2nd. The intention of this week is to bring the identity theft problem more coverage, especially during tax season. Tax season is a popular time in which to steal an identity because of the tax refund checks. However, stealing a social security number to receive a tax refund is simply one of the ways and reasons identities are stolen in the first place.

Private Investigators Use GPS Tracking in Surveillance

Private investigators are very familiar with GPS (Global Positioning System) tracking technology, especially in terms of surveillance. In fact, GPS trackers have changed the way PI’s are able to collect evidence in cases when working with Attorney Law Firms. These devices are usually placed on cars and can be programmed to only alert the PI when a subject reaches a specific destination.

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